One of the reasons this delightful mashup of Bugs Bunny with the dread Elder God really resonates is because of their shared role as occult tricksters. Despite dozens of references in the canon not many people pick up on H.P.'s subtle depiction of Cthulhu as a Loki or Coyote-like trickster figure. And rest assured, the Warner Brothers cartoons demonstrate an impressive familiarity with Mythos concepts. Like the "rabbit hole" that's clearly a dimensional gateway into non-Euclidean space.

And beware of byakhee. They'll try to make you think they're dodos from wackyland...
If only! April Fools!
lol, Nice :)
Another less obvious, but still valid connection is that the most famous Cthulhu hunter has a speech impediment.
Clearly the stars are right, today....
I want to see the Easter, uh Equinox Egg it lays.
Bahahahaha! Brilliant!
It's so cute! ^-^ Love it!
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