This is a first pass at putting together a Miskatonic University student ID. Most of the actual work went in to trying to reproduce the look of vintage printing consistently, which came out pretty well. It's not quite where I want it to be yet, but it's a solid start. Just click through for the high resolution versions.

This is awesome. All the props you make here are top notch, Lovecraft would be proud.
Pity such a University doesn't exist! I own a MU shirt and have a MU alumni ring on it's way in the post.
Love all the props you make here, and thanks for the help with the idol the other day, it's coming along pretty good for my first try, sand and paint it up in a few days. Already lining up my next projects for more practise. Kudos.
I like this, the border around the heading reminds me of a period french wardrobe my parents owned when I was an infant. In a roundabout way I am trying to say that the feel of this piece is just right- full marks.
This is extremely awesome. I plan on buying some MU stuff once I get some money. Great stuff.
I might be incorrect, but shouldn't the wording on the backside read "The student named on the obverse...."?
Very cool. I need this!
See if you can find someone with an old moveable type press if you want something *really* authentic. The wax seal you ought be able to make yourself with a bit of inginuity, but if you do the type with an old moveable type (or even woodblock!) press you'll be good to go.
Best thing is to go ask in an art shop
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