Tuesday, July 28, 2009

"Young Van Helsing" Props

When most people think of movie props they think of iconic items like the Grail Diary from "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" or the ruby slippers from "The Wizard of Oz". And why not? They're an important part of blockbuster films that have been seen by millions of people.

But just as many beautifully made works are to be found in small, low budget films. In Big Hollywood terms these props might be trifles created on a meager budget, but the artists making them oftentimes make up for the lack of time and materials with sheer creativity. A good example would be "Adventures of Young Van Helsing: The Quest for the Lost Scepter", a direct-to-video feature released to capitalize on the hype for the big budget Hugh Jackman "Van Helsing". By all reports it's a less than stellar film, to put it kindly, but artist Matt Jackson created some great props for it:

You can find more of Mr. Jackson's work, primarily sculpture, at his website .

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