How do you recreate the look of a madman's handwriting? It's a not unfamiliar subject here at Propnomicon, and this discussion thread covers how to do it
using the open source LaTeX typesetting program. It's a bit involved, but being able to script the randomization function goes a lot faster than doing it by hand.

Boing Boing.
I actually saw this the other day. A useful resource for quickly producing a decent handwritten note for a LARP event.
I enjoy making them by hand too much to use this though!
"I am a Cthulhy worshipping gibbering madman"
Well, they say the first step is admitting that you have a problem...
You can do this in Adobe Illustrator by drawing your squiggly 'baselines' and then using the 'Type on a Path" tool. Using the superscript / subscript adjustments can help you fine-tune the up & down motion.
In Corel Draw, I believe something very similar is possible.
Mike J.
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