The one small quibble I would make is the machine cut Phillips head screws in the hinge, but that's a picayune detail. A reader with experience using vintage hardware has said that can be fixed by opening up the slots into more of a wedge shape with a Dremel. Screws with cruciform heads existed at least as far back as the 18th century. It's just the regularity of the Phillips pattern that's anachronistic.

The Phillips head caught me as well on my first creation, so its easy to miss.
But yes, otherwise a very fine bit of work, and full of ideas for my ongoing case project. I really like the little wooden compatment lids.
That’s a nice rework of a two tier cutlery box. By building up the exterior with panels, it makes for a nice, old world look. Standard brass screws can be substituted easily for the modern screws. The only addition I might suggest is a small pocket mirror. The overall effect of this kit is quite good.
BTW the phillips head screw does have a slight Lovecraftian association, they were designed for the American Screw Company of Providence, RI.
Hey guys, this is Patrick Reilly. Thanks for featuring my latest Vamp kit on your wonderful site.
As for the hinges on the kit, I can assure you that there are no philips head screws on this kit. I actually went out of my way to find flat head screws for the hinges.
If youd like more close up pics of the kit just let me know.
@ Anonymous
My thanks for stopping by Patrick, and my apologies for mistaking the screws for Phillips heads. The glint on the left hand side set is what gave me that impression.
Your case is a beautiful piece of work, and the weathering is masterful.
@ Patrick Reilly (Anonymous) You can Japan those shiny hinges and screws for a more period look. Rather than use black lacquer, simple semigloss black paint works well. Japanning, especially on exposed iron, brass,and copper was very common. A nice job like yours is a standout.
Hey, no problem Propnomicon.
Usually I wouldn't comment on such trivial details but in this case I specifically went out of my way to include flat head screws...I'll be damned if I'm going to let a blurry photograph rob me of my efforts! Lol
Thanks for the comments and for featuring my vamp kit.
Btw I've become quite a fan of this site..always find myself browsing through all of the oddities posted on the pages.
Oakree, thanks for introducing me to the word picayune, I will be indebted forever more.
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