Monday, January 15, 2024

Lord of the Night

Morok Art Studios returns to our pages with this glorious idol of the Aztec god Tezcatlipoca.  As much as I love this sculpt it would definitely give me the heebie jeebies if I saw it on someone's shelf.  You never know if they just appreciate multiculturalism, or are into that whole "appease the Gods with human sacrifice" thing.


Christopher B said...

So, I was rereading an old post on my blog and followed a link back here. I lost touch with Propnomicon long ago, but I'm thrilled to see that you're still posting! (And that the stuff featured here is as frustratingly inspirational as ever!)

I'm doubly glad you're still here, Okri, because I owe you a long overdue apology for ghosting you quite some time ago after we'd gotten together to play Call of Cthulhu but only got as far as making characters before calling it quits. I was mortified at my situation at that time, and it was immature of me to bury my head in the sand and pretend I didn't exist. So, I'm very sorry. I hope you're doing well!

Christopher B said...

So, I was rereading an old post on my blog and followed a link back here. I lost touch with Propnomicon long ago, but I'm thrilled to see that you're still posting! (And that the stuff featured here is as frustratingly inspirational as ever!)

I'm doubly glad you're still here, Okri, because I owe you a long overdue apology for ghosting you quite some time ago after we'd gotten together to play Call of Cthulhu but only got as far as making characters before calling it quits. I was mortified at my situation at that time, and it was immature of me to bury my head in the sand and pretend I didn't exist. So, I'm very sorry. I hope you're doing well!