Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Hellboy Hyberborean Amulet

Dale Bigford was kind enough to send over his latest project, recreating a Hyperborean protective amulet from the Hellboy comic series.

 The amulet made appearances in two separate storylines:

This curious Hyperborean demonic protection amulet has only turned up twice in the Hellboy universe but in vastly different times. The first appearance was in "The Abyss of Time" in which one is gifted to the stone age hero Gall Dennar by an insane old hermit living near demonically haunted Hyperborean ruins. The second appearance comes in 1985 in "The Whittier Legacy" where a mathematician learns he comes from a long line of sorcerers. He grave robs three of his ancestors corpses to conduct a ritual to commune with alien/demonic beings. However the now animated corpses inform Hellboy when he arrives that they always used these medallions for protection. The mathematician, not having one is posessed and transforms into a monster. Hellboy uses one of the medallions to drive the demon out, killing the mathematician. Fans have speculated about the medallions ever since.

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