Monday, August 24, 2020

Blank Bertillon Fingerprint Card

The Bertillon System was one of the first attempts to quantify the identification of criminal suspects using physical measurements.  Starting in the early 20th century it was expanded to include the use of fingerprints, and by the time of the classic Mythos era it was an accepted tool for law enforcement.

Setheus was kind enough to send over a PDF recreating a historical Bertillon card.  Here's the example it's based on:


The PDF, available over here, includes the front and back of the card ready for printing on cardstock.   It's available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license that allows non-commercial use and adaptation with appropriate credit to Setheus. My sincere thanks for their work and generosity.



Jarons20 said...

What a great recreation

Anonymous said...

doesn't work for the clasic era, though. 2-letter state abbreviations came about in the early 1960s, per the USPS itself:

Mishka069 said...

Surely easily rectified with a quick edit in Adobe...😉😉🧐