Thursday, November 13, 2014

Cthulhu Fhtagn! Der Alchemist Edition.

This primitive Cthulhu idol is brought to us by Der Alchemist.  It started life as a lump of clay scooped out of the ground.  Now that's authenticity.



der Alchemist said...

Wow, now I´m truly honoured. I scour your blog for inspiration for what feels like ages, but I never even hoped to be featured here with my works.

Propnomicon said...

@ der Alchemist

It's a very nice piece. Primitive, without being simplistic. That's a very hard thing to do.

CoastConFan said...

Primitive takes a rap as being crude and not subtle to our modern minds which have supposedly evolved over the centuries. Nothing could be farther from the truth. For example look at the paintings in the Lascaux caves in France or other so called “primitive” items from other cultures and other times and you’ll find that the human mind hasn’t changed much in the past 20,000 years. Some figures are not much more than a splash of color, others just a few scratched lines and other took many hours to complete. It’s funny that much of 20th century modern art looks a lot like ancient art.

Anonymous said...

Pretty cool! In Lovecraft's stories, the idols are always described as being very crude & primitive.

Propnomicon said...

@ CoastConFan

I love highly textured and detailed sculpts, but I've learned that it's much, much harder to reduce something to a minimal form while still capturing it's essence.

That's why I love the primitive and ultra-stylized Cthulhu idols.

@ Anonymous

This piece is a perfect example of that.

CoastConFan said...

Quite right Propnomicon. Another outstanding example of complex thought rendered into simplicity are Easter Island figures (Moai), which have become iconic, when we think of streamlined ideas.

Even more abstract in ideas and highly complex are the Rai stones from Yap, which are holed roundels, which represent not only a sense of money, but obligation, union, and possession. Calling them money is like calling the Pyramids of Egypt a tomb in a basic form and nothing more.

The great danger in old-style archeology is when viewing a “simple” or plain objects is to assume that everything around it was simple and uncomplex. That thought lead to a misunderstanding such as the stance of the Germans in the late 1930s, labeling such items as Kunst (degenerate) Art. Such a world view would lead one to think that a Japanese high art tea ceremony cup was just a cup, leaving out the intentional simpleness and the involved ceremony that centered around the cup and ceremony enclosure.