I picked up this small (approximately 3" by 3") Cthulhu idol by artist Mike Jones earlier this week. One of the things I like about the sculpt is that it avoids the "cute-thulhu" tendency found in many figures at this scale. There's nothing inherently wrong with that approach, of course, but it's a bit of an immersion-breaker when you're searching for good props.

It has a very primitive (almost Polynesian) vibe to it.
Me likey!
Mr. Jones has done a number of small sculptures like this based on various Mythos entities. Unfortunately, most of the vendors that handled them seem to be sold out and I don't believe he was a website.
I picked up one of these a couple months ago, and it is a proud addition to the other "artifacts" on my shelf at work. Very nice details, and its small size lets it blend in subtly with the other items.
It's refreshingly different than many of the other Cthulu idols I've seen. I agree with BeatriceCaldwell, above, about it looking kind of Polynesian. (Couldn't put my finger on it until I read her comment.)
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