Monday, July 1, 2019

The Curious Case Of The Mystery Mythos Movie: Part Three

Wow.  This is quite the flashback.  Over forty years ago I first came across the ill-fated "Cry of Cthulhu" movie.  For most of that time I only had a vague memory of an article about the project from Starlog magazine in the late seventies.  Ten years ago a discussion of Tom Sullivan's mythos art lead to the rediscovery of that material.  You can read the original posts over here: The Curious Case Of The Mystery Mythos Movie, Part One and Part Deux.

Now author Byron Craft, who wrote the screenplay and served as a producer, has posted some long lost production stills from the film.  These were spotted on Ebay by Craig Mullins.  The bottom maquette was featured in the longer Starlog article, but the top figure, presumably a byakhee, appears to be unpublished before now.


  1. Wow! I remember this! I always assumed it was just finished and then never got major distribution and slipped quietly in to another, eldritch dimension.

  2. Oh wow, looks like Byron Craft himself stopped by the comments in... 2017?... to mention that the movie novelization was available. And which of course I now have to get. It looks like it would have been a pretty amazing movie.

    Also, "Byron Craft" is an almost suspiciously good name for this sort of thing.

  3. Oh God! I remember that article in Starlog and my excitement at the idea of a Lovecraft film. Thanks for reminding me of that.
