Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Eye of Cthulhu

Artist Mark Arnold was kind enough to send over this look at his latest piece- The Eye of Cthulhu amulet.  The radiating iris effect of the inset stone is very cool.


  1. Well they do say that copyright infringement is the sincerest form of flattery.

  2. Nicely done, Mark. Stuart, I don't think this is a unique idea among Lovecraftian artists. I've thought of something similar but haven't gotten around to it. If and when I do, I'll credit the inspiration to Lovecraft. I'm rather glad that artists didn't stop making Cthulhu statues after the first one appeared.

  3. josefk, are you suggesting that the artist hasn't copied my design? -

  4. Stuart. Is it possible that the design was copied? Yes, but I had never seen yours or his and my own idea was so strikingly similar that you'd have thought the same thing had I ever completed mine: 'Eye', tentacles,bubbles, curly Qs, all Cthulhu motifs. Plus, the basic stone shapes partially suggest design elements. That being said, I look at Mythos related imagery all the time and I'm sure that elements and techniques of hundreds of artists works influence my own, and that I've influenced others, as well.
