Tuesday, January 24, 2017

More Miskatonic Ephemera

Mike Jenkins has been on a roll with his excellent Miskatonic paper props.  He's now added a few more items, including fraternity membership cards.  One thing I really like about his work that isn't visible in a photograph is the variety of paper stocks he uses.  Prop documents are far more believable when they have a mix of paper weights and finishes.

1 comment:

  1. Well, hi there! Thanks for the unsolicited bump!

    Yes, I do deliberately use multiple, period-appropriate paper stocks for these 'card' projects (when available). Very observant! ;) What you don't see in this photo are the unusable cards printed on the crazy thick white stock (too thick, too white, seems weird) or the cards on the white linen stock (too white).

    I get a lot of these cards printed through Zazzle (generally waiting for sales), but what I need to do is hit up another vendor for some jobs on slightly different stock.

    Additionally, my end-users may wish to round the corners of certain items themselves to add even more variety.

    I promise this new set of MU 'pocket litter' will be available for sale soon... I'd like to re-shoot that photo as well, got a lot of wasted space in there...

    Thanks again; and I hope you all are well in the new year.

    I am your old and true friend and servant in Almousin-Metraton,

    Mike J.
