Sunday, October 18, 2015

Cthulhu Plaque

This nicely done Cthulhu plaque comes to us from artist Morgan Hughes.  The sculpt has some great texture work.


  1. One of my favorite tricks in calligraphy is "escaping the frame"... but it's never so unnerving (nor meant to be) on paper as this sculpture that's crawling chaotically out of its box.   Yikes!   The poor doomed captain of the Alert must have seen a giant version of this on R'lyeh when the great door opened....

  2. I like the juxtaposition of historical styles such as the Renaissance leering Cthulhu, like a sardonic gargoyle peering out of the frame and an impressionistic background in the mood of van Gogh’s Starry Night. The severe modern frame really pulls it together.
