Monday, June 3, 2013

Demonic Device

"Clayjase69" brings us a work in progress shot of his demonic device. There's some wonderfully layered texture work in the central pyramid.


  1. It really looks good. I am reminded of the works of Kris Kuksi.

  2. It's beautiful. Visited the site it came from but haven't seen the other 3 sides.

  3. The Mogen David / Star of David or Seal of Solomon, the symbol on the flag of Israel, composed of two overlapping triangles, one pointing up and one pointing down, for all its divine associations (God reaching down to Man reaching up, the Eye of God in the pyramid cap, etc.), has also been said to have genital symbolism -- the point-up triangle for the male (penis & testicles), and the point-down triangle for the female (pudendum).

    So this is far from the first sexual association of a triangle, just the reverse of the usual gender direction.
