Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A Clutch of Cthulhus

Copper Centipede brings us this collection of Cthulhus. Cthulhi? Regardless of the proper plural term, it's cool to see someone working with authentic materials.


  1. Beautiful collection of Cthulhus in stone sure!! ^^
    i prefere too when creations are made with "natural materials"...
    one day, me too, i would like to do an fan art of Chtulhu (or maybe a Yog Sothoh)... >w< mouah!ah!ah!ah!ah!
    Darkly and friendly Yours,

  2. Like a chess game: Void’s Shoggoth to Nyarlathrotep 47R37-4 (I didn't say it was a spatial game) Ha I took your demon piper!

  3. I fell in love with Copper Centipede's soapstone carvings the last couple times his work was featured here by Propnomicon. I think I remember an earlier wooden version he did, maybe on a very short length of wooden dowell or handle. Back then, somebody had referenced a stylistic parallel to old carved chessmen of a certain period.
    I appreciate his work so much, that I've been scraping away at my own version in soapstone, in the fashion of his last clutch of Cthulhi, though my skills and artistic vision are limited. These latest improvements to style and proportion are most excellent!
    I agree with a few other voices here, relics and fetishes using real raw materials are hard to beat. I'm glad this was featured.

  4. Clutch of Cthulhi? I like this terminology. : )

    Thank you for the kind words everyone! This is Copper Centipede actually checking in here for the first time. I didn't know that my work had been featured here before or that this awesome site even existed until somebody mentioned this post to me last night, what a fantastic surprise! So many great artists and inspiring works.

    I prefer working with stone and wood (still carving the dowel style ones), but am actually waiting for my first batch of resin reproductions of a few different idols to cure right now.
    Very excited to read that other people are taking up stone carving after seeing these! And the chess set mentioned, the Lewis Chessmen I think they were called, were definitely an inspiration to me as well as a book on the history of bone and horn carving (mostly pictures, of course). If anybody is interested in carving stone and wood, just looking at different historical carvings in similar media is super helpful in creating a particular style to your pieces.

    Awesome site, gotta check back here daily to keep up with all the brilliant new mythos art going on here.

    - Dreggs
