Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Nazir

From 1920, Jacob, son of Aaron, the Samaritan high priest of Schechem.

I re-purposed this photograph as a depiction of Nazir Achmed Zehavi for the "Masks of Nyarlathotep" project. I don't want to give away any spoilers, but I think the portrait perfectly captures his character, in every sense.

Click through for the high resolution version.


  1. That's a fantastic photo. What an evocative face!

  2. Your "Masks of Nyarlathotep" keeper and players might possibly enjoy and/or benefit from the campaign maps Droesler has posted at

  3. @ elmo iscariot

    Thank you for the kind words

    Oh, and I find your name hilarious.

    @ Raven

    The quality of the free materials produced by the Mythos community continually amazes me.

  4. As Elmo gradually replaced lovable, fuzzy old Grover in all the Sesame Street promotions, _something_ had to be done. ;)

  5. I went a little crazy on it.

  6. Well, Elmo, all I can say is to look out for characters named Fezto.

  7. Ha! Outstanding, Raven.

    I nearly got thrown out of a shooting range once for using Elmo targets. ;)

  8. The real-life gentleman in the photo (Jacob, son of Aaron, the Samaritan high priest) had some 1906 correspondence of his published in a 1907 issue of the Open Court, a monthly magazine out of Chicago.

  9. Incidentally, a trivia point about Jacob's turban. It's red, as all Samaritans were required by (then-Islamic) law to so identify themselves. The Nazir, of course, would have worn a different color, so presume grey or brown or (if he was a hajji) green.
