Friday, October 8, 2010

Maps of Nyarlathotep

In an example of synchronicity, "droesler" at Yog-Sothoth has posted his custom maps of every single location in Chaosium's epic "Masks of Nyarlathotep" campaign. Over two dozen top down views depict every major scene, so it should go without saying that following the link will reveal some spoilers.

Masks is one of Chaosium's finest achievements, a truly epic global campaign that incorporates elements from a number of Lovecraft's most famous stories. There are some philistines who consider it the best RPG adventure ever published, superior to even my beloved "Beyond the Mountains of Madness", but that's clearly the result of Nyarlathotep's seductive influence.


  1. Masks was quite excellent, but I'm not sure I'd say its the best campaign ever. I was more a fan of Horror on the Orient Express, but I love Murder on the Orient Express soo much.

    is there a Masks of Nyarlathotep project in the works?

  2. @ Alex Kaeda

    I've been working on a commission to provide enhanced props for a "Masks" campaign, mostly doing improved versions of the handouts.

  3. Didn't say if those were to scale for use with 25mm figures....

  4. Mr Remakre - I printed a couple of them out, and they should work with 25mm figures.

  5. Oh, and Droesler has also done 94 non-player-character and item cards, sized to be adhered onto playing cards for reference.

    The characters, of course, use period photos....
