Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The Blythburgh Whistle

We've featured quite a few of James Ewing's outstanding occult artifacts over the years here on Propnomicon.  His latest work is the mysterious Blythburgh Whistle, and example of both craftsmanship and incredibly creative worldbuilding. 

"Nobody knows who summoned the beast or why. However, we are confident that we know how.

The Blythburgh Whistle, like any other dog whistle, makes no sound audible to the human ear. This makes playing it incredibly difficult, and also, incredibly dangerous. The whistle may summon the black dog, but only playing the right tune will allow you to control it. Woe betide the person who picks up the whistle without knowing its song, as Black Shuck is sure to drag them back to the world of nightmares whence it came."

 Click through to see a complete gallery and the artifact's full backstory.


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