Friday, December 16, 2022

Carved Cthulhu Skull

Here's something new.  Skullis, a Chinese company that specializes in carved gemstone skulls, has a nautiloid Cthulhu skull up for auction on Ebay.  The piece is carved from adventurine.  It's notable not only for the unusual design, but for being one of the very few carved stone Mythos sculptures I've ever seen.



  1. I acquired this piece. Truly beautiful - photos do not do it justice. Propnomicon has provided me with a great deal of insight and information over the years on so many mythos marvels and incredible artists. It is the first site I look at every morning and I hope to continue enjoying the fascinating creations it showcases for many years to come.

  2. That piece is absolutely gorgeous, breathtaking even.

  3. The company that makes these (Skullis) lists one every week or two on ebay. The stone used and thus color differ but they've auctioned a fair number over the past few mmonths. Most of the ones I've seen seem to sell between $80 - $150 or so. The one here on Propnomicon went for just over $300. If you are a collector of Cthulhu idols (as I am - along with all over things Lovecraftian) they make a really great addition.
