Thursday, December 31, 2020

Recaster Alert

Jason McKittrick is one of the most prolific Mythos artists around.  Sadly, one of his excellent Cthulhu idols is apparently being recast and sold by a shady outfit called...well, click through to Jason's post on the matter.  I won't post their name, since that would actually benefit their algorithmic ranking.

The pirates have been heavily advertising their copy of the idol on Facebook.  Please avoid doing business with them, and report the ad to Facebook whenever it comes up on your feed.


  1. Thank you, sir. As of now the ads are still running. Facebook and Instagram have been less than helpful.

  2. I got the ads, as FB has be pegged as an eldritch lover (and previous customer of Jason) - it was shameless. Glad someone tagged Jason so quick in it.

  3. I note that Hooseack is also advertising those Cernunnos & Dryad statuettes for a *much* lower price than the original designer… another curious circumstance.
