Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Nautilus Artifact

Was Nemo's infamous Nautilus destroyed by the Loffoden Maelstrom?  We may never know the answer to that question, but there's no doubt the submarine was extensively damaged.  This intriguing fragment of a stanchion was recovered by the talented Michael R. Maranda.

Update:  Based on a comment below it appears the octopus finial is actually a sculpt from artist Michael Locascio.  My apologies for any confusion.


  1. FYI the octopus is not this guy's work - looks like he re-purposed it from a Kraken cane originally sculpted by Michael Locascio, which is sold on his Etsy site Dellamorte & Co.

  2. I acquired a copy of it and decided it needed a little extra to have in my personal collection.

  3. Well, you did an excellent job modifying it, Michael R Maranda. The work on the splintered wooden shaft is particularly nice!
