Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Lighting Up Night City

I am fully on board the hype train for Cyberpunk 2077.  I've been a huge fan of the tabletop game since the first edition in 1988.  Back when the "world wide web" was a new thing I hand coded (!) one of the first fan pages for the game, "Morninman's Cyberpunk Archive".  Some of my material from that ancient website would eventually end up getting published in the Chromebook series from R. Talsorian.

That personal history is one of the reasons this illuminated jacket from FUBAR props is so cool.  It's a great recreation of the combat jacket from the video game's teaser trailer.  Sweet fancy Moses, this makes me feel old.  I remember when light emitting clothing was science fiction from the far future.  Now it's a kit some guy put together in his home shop.  Which, come to think of it, is pretty damn cyberpunk.

1 comment:

  1. Having a hard time with this whole "different interests crashing into each other" thing right now :D. I was always a fan of the Mourninman CP2020 stuff.
