Thursday, May 9, 2019

I Did Nazi This Coming...

Over ten years ago I posted a video to YouTube entitled "Nazi Reanimation Propaganda Film".  It was a recut of the faux propaganda film from the 2008 movie "Outpost", one of the better entries in the Nazi Zombie sub-genre of walking dead pictures.  This is what you'll see if you go to see that video today:

Here's the email I received explaining why:
Hi Prop Nomicon,

Your video Nazi Reanimation Propaganda Film was flagged to us by the YouTube community. Upon review, we have placed restrictions on how the video will be shown. Please note that your video will continue to be available on YouTube.

Video content restrictions

We believe in the principles of free speech, even when that speech is unpopular or potentially offensive to some viewers. However, YouTube doesn't allow hate speech or content that promotes or incites violence. In some cases, flagged videos that do not clearly breach the Community Guidelines but whose content is potentially controversial or offensive may remain up, but with some features disabled.

Your video will be shown after a warning message. In addition, certain features such as comments, sharing, thumbs up, and suggested videos have been disabled. Your video is also ineligible for monetization.

For more information, please visit our Help Center.

Sweet fancy Moses.  Welcome to 2019.

Update:  It just gets better.  YouTube says the video was the target of a legal complaint and is now banned in dozens of countries.
Regarding your account: Prop Nomicon

We have received a legal complaint regarding your video. After review, the following video: Nazi Reanimation Propaganda Film has been blocked from view on the following YouTube country site(s):

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, United Kingdom, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Martinique, Malta, New Caledonia, Netherlands, French Polynesia, Poland, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Portugal, Reunion, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, French Southern Territories, Wallis and Futuna, Mayotte

YouTube blocks content where necessary to comply with local laws. Please review our help center article on legal complaints //

The YouTube Team
The only rationale I can think of is that the video shows a Nazi flag and troops in SS uniforms.  I understand that those are troubling images, but that's all they are.  Images.  I can authoritatively state that reanimated Nazi soldiers from WW II are not about to rise up and establish the Eternal Fourth Reich.  On the other hand, I would pay good money to see a big-budget miniseries based on that exact premise.


  1. YouTube is completely broken. They have made multiple completely asinine decisions and most of it is related to the fact that they won't take any responsibility and leave everything up to robots to check if things are ok. The problem is that the robots suck.

  2. There does not seem to be a Play button. :(

  3. In Slavic Europe it's outright unavailable - "This content is not available on this country domain."

    Thanks goodness we're safe from the zombie-nazi plague thanks to YT.

  4. The key here is "...blocks content where necessary to comply with local laws". In Germany and several other countries Nazi imagery is not just troubling, it's actually illegal except in the context of "art, science, research, or teaching".

  5. Seems totally valid to me. Some regular, unsuspecting person might see this and be inspired to become a Nazi Zombie themselves.
    I hate Illinois Nazi Zombies.

  6. Holy shit, what's next? Banning documentaries?

  7. I once had a lady who flipped out in the antique mall that I worked at saying we should ban all German/Nazi stuff for sale. I asked her if she was Jewish. She said no I'm Catholic. I said "so, under that same pribciple-i shouldn't allow anything Christian in this store because it offends me and your people killed my people in horrible ways? No I won't ban it. Why? Because it is a part of history .if we don't learn about it and we don't say hey this is wrong- then we will be doomed to repeat it. You have the right to be offended but not to limit free speech .you have the right to disagree but not to ban someone else's opinion. If we do that then how are we any better than them?" She got all huffed and walked away .little did I know my coworker was Jewish and had survived a ghetto .she thanked me saying that we have to learn all we can so it won't happen again . Made me think about life .

  8. You can buy the complete Movie in Germany, but a seperate Scene from it is blocked? XD

  9. This from the same site that has known child abusers creating content (some of which openly displays said abuse), gaining monetization, and have millions of subscribers... YouTube is broken. Absolutely broken.

  10. I assume it might not actually have something to do with the Nazi-imagery alone, but with copyright violation. As you said, the video was a recut of another movie and since the EU has implemented the General Data Protection Regulation GDPR on May 25th 2018, which is very strict to protect intellectual propperty, your video might be banned because of missing credit to and/or allowance to use by the copyright holder.
