Sunday, April 2, 2017

Cthulhu Plaque

Long before the current explosion in Lovecraftiana Stephen Hickman sculpted an amazing Cthulhu idol that was available from Bowen Designs.  It's now become a highly sought after piece and remains one of the best depictions.

That's what makes this piece so unusual.  It's flagged on Pinterest as a Cthulhu plaque sculpted by Hickman.  Oddly enough, this is the only mention of the plaque I can find.  Google doesn't come up with anything else, at least in the first hundred listings, and Mr. Hickman's own site doesn't have any information on it either.  I suspect it's been mis-attributed, but would welcome correction from anyone with more information.


  1. It certainly looks like his style. It also looks like an unfired clay model for making a mold. Mysterious.

  2. That's a lovely sculpt, but I really have to mention the chuckle I got over your description in the listing--it sounds like the setup for a Mythos story. "I came across a plaque depicting a horrendous, alien being, one having only one historical listing I could find, and no attribution to it even on the website of the supposed creator. Little did I know what horrors I would unveil in my quest to discover its true origin..."

    Love your site, by the way. Thanks for working so hard to share these things with us all!
