Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Warrior of the Uruk-Hai

Cosplayer Sesas Creations crafted this outstanding Orc costume.  It's a good demonstration of how effective layering multiple textures is in bringing a costume to life. 

1 comment:

  1. There’s a lot of subtlety here. For example check out the cleverly made boots that makes the feet look more broad and inhuman and also note the toe cleft in the front. It’s a good way to disguise the human form and not nearly as painful as the digitigrade look and compromises inherent in some costumes*.

    This Isengard Uruk-Hai imagining doesn’t rely on the movies, but instead uses the information in LoTR books, with them being a hybridization of Elves and humans. /This one shows a bit more Elf lineage than average. I’m glad to see people thinking of out the (red)box.

    Propnomicon’s comment about layering is well considered from the standpoint of costuming. It makes for ease of construction, because of the discrete sections that can be added, deleted or moved at will. It doesn’t have to be done with a costume as lavish as this one. In general changing a few accessories can really modify a costume’s mood: the changing or removal of a jacket, carrying or not carrying a blaster, a hat exchange or a bit of makeup or appliances. This is especially true with costumes that have very simple components like a CoC investigator costume for a convention. Most average steampunk costumes use just a few intricate or genre-specific components such as the ubiquitous cog.

    Given the Romanesque armor in the LoTR movies, I suggest some simple bronze age armor with a few modifications can make a variety of costumes with different nuances from semi-historical to full-blown fantasy. Consider easy to work foam sheets to make this kind of armor -- http://www.salimbeti.com/micenei/armour1.htm or https://koryvantesstudies.org/studies-in-english-language/page215-2/
