Sunday, February 28, 2016

It's Good to Be the King

All hail the King in Yellow!  This well done interpretation of the King comes to us from Andrew Wishart of "Ring and Raven Cosplay".

As an aside, a friend of mine came up with a brilliant take on the story-a full-blown Broadway-style production of "The King in Yellow".   Bob Fosse, an incredible talent with a more than passing familiarity with dissolution and corruption, gets commissioned to develop the project around 1983 instead of working on the troubled "Big Deal".  Can you imagine how awesome it would have been to have the man behind "Cabaret" and "Star 80" tackle the King?  Sure, humanity would have been wiped out shortly after opening night, but it would have been glorious.


  1. Synchronicity; I spent yesterday dyeing a bunch of stuff for a "King In Yellow" costume for Chiller Expo in April.

  2. @ Andy Clarke

    There are no coincidences. Have you been dreaming of a strange city by a lake? Heh.

  3. I used some corpsey facepaint behind the mask and accidentally gave myself a brilliantly creepy looking cataracts look before I washed it out of my eyes! (Somewhat disconcerting though, it was like having your glasses fog up but without the glasses)

  4. This is genuinely chilling to me, because my OWN King in Yellow cosplay is very similar in concept here! Great minds either think alike, or I've somehow seen the Sign and should be very wary in the future...
