Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Spreading the Word of Lord Cthulhu

Photographer Richard Whatley is doing a series of vignettes based on the Mythos.  This one features Cthulhu missionaries bearing helpful literature and a swarm of pool noodle tentacles.


  1. Ah, I just had a pair of them on my porch this Monday. No, wait they were another group that didn’t focus on being eaten first, but being eaten best or something like that.

    I guess it’s time to unlimber that decades-old tract spoof, Who Will Be Eaten First as the ultimate parody of this genre. The first of these tracts turned up at a convention I attending circa mid 80s, Dark Dungeons. They were left by some well-meaning individual who truly didn’t know what they were talking about. The tracts were dropped at so many conventions, it spawned (pun intended) a number of parodies later when the web rose up in the late 90s. There is even a fan-made movie of the Dark Dungeons tract, but I’ll leave it to you to Google up a version.


    A copy of the tract good enough to print so YOU can go door to door. http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/uncyclopedia/images/0/08/CthulhuChickTract.gif/revision/latest?cb=20070822125208

    For all you olde tyme D&Ders who remember back then -- http://www.theescapist.com/darkdungeons.htm

  2. Wait, wait, his real, no-kidding, genuine last name is Whately?


  3. Immediately thought of...

