Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Implements of Destruction

The Caretaker of the Highbury Cemetery blog brings us these prop weapons featured at last month's Midwest Haunter's Convention.  I can't find who the manufacturer is, but they're fantastic pieces.  It would be an honor to be stabbed or chopped by such masterfully crafted implements of destruction.

1 comment:

  1. For those of you who are interested in the sheer array of historical weapons all in one spot, try the book A Glossary of the Construction, Decoration and Use of Arms and Armor: in All Countries and in All Times, by George Cameron Stone. It was originally published in 1934, but is often in print in other additions over the years. Affectionately known in the business as simply Stone’s. I’ve had a copy since the mid 70s and it’s quite a good reference book. I recommend it for collectors, gamers, writers or the lover of sheer pointless trivia.

    On the downside, the book is not well structured; instead weapons are listed by often obscure and debatable local, tribal, and obsolete names, many of which overlap or are contradictory. How many ethnic names for sword or knife can there be? Lots, but then again it is a glossary. The second problem is that most of the photos date to an early time and tend to be fuzzy, but ultimately the hassle is that the photos of objects are not to scale, including multiple weapons on the same plate. Overall it’s really your best one-stop-shop for a plethora of interesting weapons. It’s back in print again, but I suggest you get a second hand copy of the earlier and sturdier hardback than the softback, which will eventually have the spine break after much use. You’ll pay about the same and get more.

    An interesting short bio of Stone
