Saturday, July 4, 2015

Fixing Cthulhu

Based on the comments and emails I've received there appear to be some issues with the Diamond Select Cthulhu bank Raven reviewed yesterday.  In a number of cases the bottom of the piece is warped, making the bank wobbly or locking in the coin plug.

I'm still waiting for the one I ordered to arrive, but based on my experience with vinyl model kits I would suggest using heat to soften the vinyl on the bottom of the idol.  The easiest way is to use a tray of hot water.  Not boiling, mind you, but hot enough to be uncomfortable, not painful, if you put your hand in it. Hold the bottom of the bank in the hot water for a minute or two and the vinyl should soften right up.  That should allow any stuck plugs to be twisted out.  For the warping issue, grab the flange on the plug and pull until the bottom is level, then rinse the vinyl with cold water to set it.


  1. "Fixing Cthulhu," sung to the tune of "Waltzing Matilda."

  2. If it’s a Cthulhu bank, you’ll need some Innsmouth gold coins so you can save up to be eaten first.

    Coins for sale

  3. @ gndn

    Fixin’ Cthulhu

    Once a truly fannish boy bought a Cthulhu direct
    even though shipping was not really free
    and he sang as he fixed and twisted till his blood boiled
    Who’ll be a fixin’ Cthulhu with me?

    Fixing Cthulhu, fixing Cthulhu
    who’ll be fixin’ Cthulu with me
    as he sang as he cursed and his blood truly boiled

    Out came the boiling water to spill on his happy lap
    Up jumped the fanboy and grabbed himself to flee
    and he ran out the door and jumped in the creek
    You’ll be a fixin’ Cthulhu with me.

    Fixing Cthulhu, fixing Cthulhu
    who’ll be fixin’ Cthulu with me
    as he sang as he cursed and his blood truly boiled

    Up rode the postman with another copy of it,
    Down went smile when he saw the same as the other three
    Whose gonna be eaten first with this bent idol?
    You’ll be a fixin’ Cthulhu with me.

    Fixing Cthulhu, fixing Cthulhu
    who’ll be fixin’ Cthulu with me
    as he sang as he cursed and his blood truly boiled

    Up jumped the fanman and sprang into action
    I’ll never get eaten, he said sans glee
    and his ghost may be heard as you pass by his house
    Who’ll be a fixin’ Cthulhu with me?


  4. @ CoastConFan

    That's genius. LOL.

  5. Mine seems okay...

  6. Mine seems okay...
