Friday, June 5, 2015

The Skelos Skull

Mr. Zarono brings us this intriguing artifact- the Skelos Skull.  For something that started life as an off the shelf Halloween skull it's quite impressive. 


  1. Thanks for featuring my Skelos Skull, I'm a big fan of propnomicon!

  2. @ Zarono

    My pleasure. It's a wonderful piece.

  3. Very nice! Gotta love skulls. :)

  4. If that triangular item in his mouth had been a Ouija board's planchet, one would expect to see a circular hole in it for spotting the selected letter or number. Absent that, and with the greenish stuff scooped up on it, I am forced to conclude the late sorcerer was interrupted by death while eating his tortilla-chip-with-guacamole, and has refused -- even after his demise -- to let anyone take it away from him.

    At least I, for one, would not venture to try.
