Sunday, March 8, 2015

Dungeons and Dragons Props

A Reddit thread on using props in DnD yielded these well done pieces from Avason.  After the success of prop-heavy Kickstarters for Mythos adventures I suspect we're going to see the same treatment applied to tabletop fantasy games.


  1. I like the look of the text, which is completely alien, but shows some slight appearance to Viking stave runes, at least to my eye. Being very ambiguous, the props could be used in a variety of RPGs from D&D, to CoC, and even other systems including an artifact for SF RPGs. It’s really very versatile and a great prop by not being too specific, allowing multiple uses in several genres. Props really help the focus of a game and can be a kind of reward to the folks trying to crack the case. Even simple props can work wonders in a game.

    A link about runic codes

    More fun ancient texts for prop use: Linear A and Linear B (although Linear B has some basis in archaic Greek, it’s not really fully deciphered and not really a full alphabet either, don’t be fooled by easy letter charts). and and . Have fun.

  2. These are some extremely eye-catching pieces.

    Not that I recommend working with the stuff, but lead flashing (about 2mm thick lead sheet) can be used for some props. Ageing and distressing lead is a delicate job, and requires the use of gloves, at least.

    Remember to make your players handle artefacts wearing cotton archivists' gloves - in order to protect the atrefacts AND the players.

  3. @Alysson It’s interesting you should mention lead props. I did a blog entry in 2011 about some fake codices that surfaced as “real” in the pop archeological community a couple of years back. See Fakes, Fun, and Lead Codices:

    The idea of using archivist gloves for handling would really make the prop very special, along with keeping people safe. That’s an outstanding idea for prop presentation even if the prop isn’t toxic! You are absolutely right about safety, lead and other heavy metals should be treated very carefully. If you get a bit wild during the build/aging process, a respirator might be required as well while working such stuff (not to mention safety glasses).

  4. @CoastConFan - we have had a few instances in Britain of bronze reproductions of dark-age artefacts being ages and buried, only to be 'rediscovered' a couple of years later - all for the purpose of scamming collectors.

    Of course, I have done the same thing in order to produce artefacts for archaeological hero props, but all of my props have a maker's mark on them.
