Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Crafting a Crusader

Kamui Cosplay has an in-depth look at their recreation of the Crusader from "Diablo III". The hard-shell armor is built up from dozens of custom cut pieces of Worbla moldable plastic.

1 comment:

  1. I really like what is being done with this malleable sheet plastic in producing props, especially this set of armor. I might add a bit to this by saying that you can also use plastic to simulate other types of armor such as with lamellar. Unlike scale mail, which is affixed directly to a garment, lamellar can be it’s own garment and worn over and with other costume elements.. Some companies are offering pre-cut segments, which you can then stitch together. Given that you can use some colorful paracord, and the fact that the planchets come in a variety of colors, you can make a really striking lamellar mail shirt to go with a costume.

    Try this company for an example of plastic lamellar components http://www.plasticlamellar.com/products.html and don’t forget to visit the suit builder which helps you calculate how many parts you will need. Since an average sized suit takes about 600 plates, it’s really smart to just buy the precut plastic parts than cutting out your own.

    Byzantine lamellar armor http://members.ozemail.com.au/~chrisandpeter/lamellar/lamellar.html and http://www.regia.org/warfare/lamellar.htm

    Period examples of lamellar https://sites.google.com/site/archoevidence/home/lamellar-armour

    Further viewing on lamellar by an artist/maker with exhibitions of his work http://www.hellenicarmors.gr/?lang=EN
