Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Horror in Clay

The talented Greg Onychuk brings us this recreation of "The Horror in Clay" from Lovecraft's "The Call of Cthulhu".   What makes this piece really interesting, beyond the fact that it's a gorgeous piece of work, is that it was sculpted digitally.  Mr. Onychuck is no stranger to pushing clay, but for this project he was pushing pixels.  The plaque only exists as a digital file, at least until the master comes back from the 3-D printer.


  1. I would like to see this 3D-printed in dark chocolate please.

  2. Clay? Damn. I thought from the thumbnail in my reader it was CHOCOLATE!

    It's still pretty cool... even if it isn't chocolate!

  3. I like the kelp background and the textures are quite nice. Yeah, the color does look a bit like milk chocolate. It puts me in mind of Propnomicon’s Tcho-tchocolate chocolate bar from 2007:

    Get Tcho-tchocolate, it’s abominably good. If they are out of that, you can get a Pickman’s Sampler.
