Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Great List of Links

Propmaker Eric Hart has gathered together "The 100 Best Sites for the Prop Maker".  Despite his protestations otherwise it's a pretty comprehensive look at the state of propmaking on the internet, both amateur and professional.

When I began my blog back in 2009, it felt like only a handful of sites for the prop maker were out there. Since then, the field has practically exploded and you can find information everywhere. I post links to sites regularly, but I wanted to make a list of the sites you should be checking out regularly. So I’ve collected and categorized what I consider to be the 100 best sites for a prop maker.
I'll warn you ahead of time that you can spend hours following the links.  One of the nice things about a list like this is the potential for cross pollination.  I'm not into modeling or dioramas, but David Neat's site for professional model makers has some great techniques for foam texturing that I plan on using for the kind of prop making I do enjoy.


  1. EXCELLENT compilation !!! Much needed - even with the Boba Fett forums. heh. Did you include educational / institutional links ?

    RISD is top notch for props.
