Saturday, January 4, 2014


Jonas Insinga brings us this excellent Dagon sculpt in unfired clay.  Take a look at the textures on the obelisk in the high resolution picture.  He really captures the look of ancient worn stone and then makes a smooth transition into the coral encrustation on the base. 


  1. That is awesome! Would love to have one of those on top of my bookcase.

  2. ...highly skillful reminds me of Ray Harryhausen's puppets...

  3. It’s really a great piece of work. I’m also glad to see it in a material as durable as stoneware and I really look forward to seeing it painted and fired (presuming you are using underglaze). The only downside to a high fire is that you really can’t get the wide range of mineral hues such as found in a low fire such as in raku. Just think that your stoneware piece will exist for thousands of years after you are gone as ceramics will survive quite a lot – excepting an atomic fireball or the crushing weight of an ice age glacier. Nonetheless, imagine the wonder at this little gem being found two thousand years from now! Your efforts have been rewarded by having a world-class sculpt.

  4. Excellent sculpting! I adore the less anthropomorph features of the face.
