Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Relic

Artist Ugo Serrano brings us this intriguing mummified hand. The accoutrements really capture the feel of traditional European religious relics.

1 comment:

  1. Great presentation! By the way make sure you see the rest of his work such as the armor. Urgo Serrano’s helmet at http://ugo-serrano.deviantart.com/art/my-helmet-2-145304059 is particularly good as well as the one at http://ugo-serrano.deviantart.com/art/metal-work-145256697 .

    The hand makes me want to sing: “Bang, bang, Zeldar’s silver fingers came down upon their heads / bang, bang he hammered until he knew they were dead.” (with apologies to the Beatles and Maxwell’s Silver Hammer)
