Sunday, September 29, 2013

Easy Eyes

Well, relatively easy.  Sytnathotep has a tutorial on using epoxy and photo prints to produce some very nice eyes.  The results are near taxidermy eyes in quality, but for just pennies apiece. 


  1. Very clever and the tutorial is quite good. I would have never thought of using photos of eyes to make, uh … eyes. The taxidermy eyes are quite pricy that’s for sure. For fun you can stick one of these eyes in the center of your forehead for quick costuming. An eye would also look great on a pendant or eldritch tome.

  2. A word of caution with this technique is if you are trying to pour a pretty huge eye (in excess of 15cm across and 5cm deep), it might get cloudy or your paper will settle out of position. So if you're going for big eyes, have lots of back-ups printed and extra epoxy, because it might take three or four pours before you get a single, usable eye.

  3. This is a great tutorial, and I really need to give it a try.

  4. You can do the same with round flat back glass pieces (craft store) for less effort. My friend makes magnets out of small reprints of his original art that way and it takes almost no time.

  5. You could use glass... but these are waterproof which is good for jewelry or eg. fake alien fetuses immersed in a jar of preservative.
