Saturday, August 31, 2013

Designing the Elder Things

Philip Obermarck was kind enough to send me a heads up about this excellent article at Slate. Rebecca Onion brings us Lovecraft's original notes on the design of the Elder Things in "At the Mountains of Madness", one of seven pages involving the story being exhibited at the Providence Athenaeum.

After seeing this I have even more respect for the work artist Danny Cruz did on the Dyer sketches.


  1. Cool post good Sir... We have been playing "Spore" and this is one of the "Creatures" that we created for our game...

  2. I hadn’t seen that particular piece of H. P. Lovecraft writing so thanks for the image and the link. Lovecraft could really cram a lot of text onto a small space as witnessed by some postcards he sent: and and (I really liked the “Spawn of Dagon” salutation in this one.
