Saturday, March 2, 2013

Cthulhu Tablet, Take Two

In a stunning example of synchronicity, I stumbled across this take on a Mythos-touched clay tablet just after finding yesterday's entry. I love being able to compare different takes on the same subject. GladeFlower's tablet is far more ornate, but I rather like the clean presentation of Tailiana's from yesterday.


  1. I love this one very nicely done.

  2. I'm always a sucker for cuneiform Cthonian tablets. My Sumerian is a bit rusty, but my translation reads, “Twenty centuries of squamous slumber / were vexed to nightmare by a digging shovel /what rough beast, the stars come round at last / slouches toward Saranath to be reborn?” It’s either that or a recipe for octopus soup.

    1. Dude... you can read sumerian? I want to learn. Point me in the right direction

  3. Haha, that is hilarious CoistConFan.
    I found my tablet here a year later when I googled my own name :)

  4. Thats awesome work!

    but....better get it back to Rlyeh before they notice its missing lol

  5. Relic from pirates of the Carribian. Looks like Davie Jones. Maybe it's the lid of his locker...

  6. CoastaConFan - you claim to be able to read Sumerian Cuneiforum. Would you care to elaborate? I assume you are reading the inscription on the circle? Would you be willing to provide a syllabic transcription?

  7. I feel like such an outsider, I can translate interlinear Greek Aramaic Hebrew and oh I have to go bye

  8. Brilliant, I wish I could read them ��

  9. It looks like the alien from independence day the first one. I don't think it should be read they might hear us.🚀

  10. Qué probabilidades hay de que se trate de cuentos de la ciencia ficción ancestral???

  11. The circle inscription says: "Fresh Persian Octopus from Kuwait bay-- 1 shekel of silver per kg " Like 10 bucks today? This was a fish market tag I imagine :-)
