Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Cthulhu Fhtagn! Brand Edition.

Michael Brand brings us this intriguing Cthulhu sculpt. It's actually a gaming miniature, although that seems a bit of a misnomer given the massive size of the figure. It's being offered as a premium for an already funded Kickstarter project.


  1. This sculpture is really awesome! Among the many C´thulhu depictions I have seen, this one is really among the very best ones I think, as it includes many great details like scales and narrow wings (and not just bat wings!) which were in the original description, but quite rarely shown in artistic depictions.

  2. Already backing this project, it looks amazing and with only 4 days to go you need to get in quick if you want to be part of it.

  3. How can you not back such an incredibly talented artist? This is the best (and scariest) Cthulu I've ever seen! Great artwork!

  4. Unbelievable! This is the scariest Cthulhu I've ever seen! Had to sign up immediately to back such fabulous artwork! Thanks for sharing!

  5. You RARELY see someone who remembers the "SCALEY" reference in addition to the "FLABBY BODY".
