Monday, January 14, 2013

The Relic

1997's "The Relic" is a great B-movie that never quite lived up to it's potential despite having an A-level budget. One area where it did shine was Kothoga, the brain slurping creature designed by the late Stan Winston. Artist Kevin Gosselin has produced a limited run of the Kothoga idol prop from the film.


  1. Adventurers remember, don’t drink the soup! The sad thing about most “monster movies” is that with decent direction, they could be more, even with a small budget. Consider how well the 1942 Cat People movie turned out with no budget worth considering. On the other end of the spectrum get a great story, a big budget and top-notch direction and you have Pan’s Labyrinth. Anything in between you het a Hammer Film – good stuff generally, but not up to potential. Mind you I like Hammer films, but with a little more effort …

  2. So very true CC. Its all about the direction. Way too many Hollywood types apparently think you can make a movie good by throwing millions into cgi, or worse, fill it full of Boo scares.Give me the original version of The Thing, or any of the Evil Dead films any day. And God save us from the current trend of "found footage" ghost stories and demon possessions.

    At least the whole 'torture porn' thing seems to have petered out.
