Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Inner Sanctum

It gives me an immense amount of pleasure to welcome Cryptocurium, our first sponsor.

Jason McKittrick is an talented Lovecraftian artist whose work has appeared here on a regular basis for years. For some time he's been offering interesting Mythos artifacts, including a range of Cthulhu idols and some amazing prop sets. Now he's come up with something I think you're really going to enjoy- The Cryptocurium Inner Sanctum.

In essence it's a sculpture subscription that gives you a regular Mythos fix throughout the year. There are three different levels of membership, each providing an impressive amount of goodies at a very reasonable price. As an example, the basic Bronze subscription includes this Yonaguni Cthulhu idol, a Cthulhu cult sigil pin, a special birthday surprise, and a Cryptocurium T-shirt. All for just $50. That's an incredible value.

If you're a regular reader you know that short run projects have been an important part of the Mythos collector community for a long time. The Inner Sanctum concept is an effective way to get some outstanding items at a reasonable price while supporting an artist who has consistently produced quality work. It's worthy of your patronage, and I'm extremely happy to be a small part of it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, excellent! He's a truly gifted artist, and I always enjoy seeing what he's up to!
