Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Coffer of Captain Obed Marsh

The talented Jason McKittrick brings us The Coffer of Captain Obed Marsh, another one of his wonderful Lovecraftian prop sets. There's a lot to like here. Of all the elements it's the fragment of the Ponape Scriptures that catches my attention. The white-on-black printing isn't an obvious choice, but it really works. The heavily textured leaves are made from real palm leaf paper.


  1. That's stunning - wish I had the funds to make a bid on it ;)

  2. Yes the Ponape Codex is the real star of the show. I like the use of palm leaf paper as a point of accuracy. Mulberry paper also gives a real hand-made look, because generally, it is. I wonder if anybody has attempted an Easter Island codex or a pseudo-one anyway. For more undeciphered writings, go to for some real fun. A much for pop listing is located at Enjoy your prop making!

  3. Artist deserves props just for the sheer variety of techniques he's used here. And everything just looks authentic.

    Hadn't thought of using Ebay to see items. I may have to give it a try. Just lost my job so I'm in need of ways to make some income.
