Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Cycloptic Fetal Skull

Justin Bailey brings us this cycloptic fetal skull, from his new blog Obscura Reliquias. I'm looking forward to seeing more of his work.


  1. Wow, very cool. I'm loving the texture on the piece.

  2. Really a wonderfull piece. The structure of the skull as well as the aging looks really very realistic.

  3. Thanks guys, i apprciate the kind words. I figured it would be a neat place to start for Obsucre Relics for COC and CL. Please follow my blog to see more horrile treasures.

  4. I love this little tyke! How do I get one of my own? He says he's making limited quantities, but I can't find info...

    Can you forward us his contact info? Nothing on his blog...

  5. Hi fellas, this is OBSCURE HORROR, i run OBSCURE RELICS, if you are interested in owning a cyclops skull please email me on SKULLDOZZER@GMAIL.COM and i will return your emails as as possible. sorry again guys or the confusion.

  6. Yeah Justin, too bad that I, Mark Frierson, veteran sideshow artist of 33 years made this, and NOT you!!! Were you planning on ordering these from me and selling them to your potential customers for a profit? It really burns my biscuits when lame individuals claim responsibility for the creation of my own, and fellow artist's creations, because they simply do not have the talent, know how, or creativity to do it for themselves. Feel free to contact me via friersonstudios@gmail.com if interested.

  7. Are the skulls still available?

    1. Yes, please contact me at: friersonstudios@gmail.com - thanx!!!... :-)
