Friday, September 2, 2011

Cthulhu Fhtagn! Joyner Edition.

Lee Joyner brings us the Key of Cthulhu, a very anthropomorphic take on the dread elder god. One of the signs of just how good a sculpt this is can be found in the eyes. There's not just a sense of life, but a blend of intelligence and menace. Even talented sculptors can struggle to pull that off.


  1. I really like this sculpt for a number of reasons. I like the way the skin seems to hang slightly and the creases gives a feeling of under structure. The great detailing to the eye sockets is what models emotion and animation. The end product has a quality that is sign of somebody who knows anatomy and design. The overall heaviness of the limbs and bulky bulbous head with an underwebbing of hinted musculature makes it quite real. Bravo.

  2. Amazingly accurate and fantastic work!!

  3. You're right. The expression is wonderful.

    Plus theres just something about the texture of the head. I just know I wouldn't be able to resist giving it a good rub everytime I saw it.

  4. Nice sculpt! Would love to see the full figure realized.
