Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Final Repose of Rascar Capac

Pierre Emmanuel Kaas brings us the mummified remains of Rascar Capac, from a storyline in the TinTin comic.


  1. Now thats an amazing piece of work. I was hard pressed to make a hand,

  2. The Seven Crystal Balls is pretty good as is Prisoners of the Sun. What a great mummy and piece of TinTin memorabilia you have made. The close up was good, but the full effect is seen in the complete body shot. TinTin fans are a pretty clever bunch I have found over the years. I had been reading TinTin since I was a kid in the early 1960s and my daughter also grew up reading them. It’s a great way to get kids reading

  3. As a huge fan of tintin, I'm in awe.
