Saturday, July 2, 2011

Cthulhu Fhtagn! Ritthanondh Edition

Daniel Ritthanondh of Teptec studios carved this stone Cthulhu figure. Head over to his site and you can see some interesting work in progress shots as it slowly emerges from the stone.


  1. I would love to have one of these. So cool.

  2. It’s nice to see some traditional craft like stonework in use. I can appreciate the effort in sculpting a non-malleable substance like word or stone. The progressive photos of the work also gives folks a feeling for the craftsmanship of the finished product.

  3. Ooooh Tiki-thuhlu. Love it!

    The dirt in the crevices is a really nice touch.

  4. I really like the almost Tibetan style to this one. You can almost smell the centuries of incense burned before it.

  5. this is awesome and checking out his site was pretty neat too, I looked thought his gallery he has some really unique ideas
