Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Horror Begins

The very talented Mark Arnold brings us this piece entitled "The Death of Wilbur Whately". The faux bronze finish is wonderful.

"Based upon the description in Lovecraft's "The Dunwich Horror," this is a plaster cast, hand painted to resemble bronze, it is seven inches square, and four inches high, and comes in at four pounds."


  1. Thats really well done. And you're right, the metal finish is amazing.

  2. I think it's a fine effort for a scene that seems very difficult to sculpt in a way that would make it possible for casting copies.

  3. He sells a lot of his work on eBay too. I have several of his pieces, including a squatting Cthulhu statue, and a statue of an Elder Thing (Great Old One), my particular favorite.
