Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Leather Cthulhu Mask

Mimeflayer brings us this leather Cthulhu mask that would look great adorning a cultist. My one question, born of ignorance about the wet molding process for leather, is how it would stand up to regular use.


  1. Define "use"....

    The vigorous ministrations to ones cult based membership. Ability to be cleaned of various liquid and possibly protoplasmic substances and "non substances"......

  2. There was also a Cthulhu type mask in the background of the tv show Oddities about Obscura Antiques. I really want that mask.

  3. Well, the leather tree-man mask has stood up well to two years worth of Larping, including getting whacked in the face on numerous occasions by padded weapons.
    The one weak spot might be the plastic lenses. It does protect from random blood & ichor splashes, but not from getting Kuru due to eating brains. Let the eater beware....

  4. if it has been well sealed it well hold up just find but would not want to soak it.

